Managing comprehensive business of the Center2219、5018 (Research office)
1. Execute the routine business of the Higher Education Sprout Project and other temporary assignments. 2. Handle the business related to Global Research & Industry Alliance. 3. Handle the works related to joining the “Taichung-Changhua-Nantou Research Industry-Academia Alliance”, “Academia-Industry Consortium for Science Park in Central Taiwan”, “Academia-Industry Consortium of Taichung Software Park in Taiwan”, and the “Gap of Learning & Field (GOLF)”. 4. Handle industry-government-academia strategic alliances and cooperation and exchange agreements. 5. Promote R&D results to technology transfer and commercialization. 6. Build and manage the website of Matching platform for R&D achievements and industry-university resources. 7. Assist in the planning of distinctive interdisciplinary teams or centers. 8. Visit industries and alliance universities. 9. Temporary tasks.2213